We've really been enjoying the celebration of advent in our house of curls.
Operation Christmas Child
Decorating our Christmas tree
Cookie Party with sweet friends
Decorating cookies with LOTS of sugar sprinkles
Making a Christmas tree with GLITTER overload
Gift making for the Grandparents...shhh, don't tell
Making a Gingerbread girl with Daddy (and potty training...note the tears...)
The girlies are super excited about Christmas this year, which makes it so much fun for all of us to talk about the birth of Jesus and the joy of giving to others. My oldest curly girlie has been daily cleaning out her room so that she can give some of her own toys away to little girls who don't have toys. This has been a sweet blessing to my heart to see her genuinely want to give. She is also anticipating giving a few small homemade gifts to some of her closest friends.
For her classmates, we decided to make reindeer food. This is such an easy craft and something both curly girlies can fully participate in and do with their own precious hands.
To make the reindeer food, you will need:
oats, granulated sugar, sugar crystals, plastic baggies, cardstock, Christmas stickers, ribbon, and
2 curly little elves to help :)
Magic Reindeer Food
Sprinkle on the lawn Christmas Eve night,
The moon will make it sparkle so bright.
As Santa's reindeer fly and roam,
This food will guide them to your home.
I cut out the poems using crafty pattern scissors, oldest curly girlie put a sticker on each, and I punched a hole.
My curly girlies had a blast making this and my oldest is very excited about giving these to all her school friends to enjoy on Christmas Eve.